Nikita not only never disappoint us by launching one amazing collection after the other, they also feature some pretty rad ass artists in their latest line for 2010/11.
MISS LOTION, Denmark – Born with a pen strapped to her hand, Miss Lotion draws and paints for recreation and because she simply can’t help herself. Working with illustration and visual art, she was originally educated as a graphic designer; the disciplines now combine in perfect harmony. Miss Lotion sketches with whatever comes to hand, usually a black pen and form the beginnings of illustrative ideas which morph into paintings on wood, canvas, murals, t-shirts and other applications. The Nikita design is a re-invention of some previous composition worked anew, specific for print purposes. Her collaboration is an ongoing and loving relationship from past to present and future seasons. “I’ve always been very inspired by tribal and folk art, especially the use of symbols and patterns in native Indian art.”
Check her work out on flickr.com

HILDUR BJöRK TEOMAN, Iceland – Graduated as a fashion designer from the Iceland Art Academy in 2006. She is “sort of romantic when it comes to drawing style” and hand draws everything. Old fashioned craft methods such as embroidery, crochet and knit work are revamped in a new and fresh way. Hildur confessed to loving working with streetwear and her designs for Nikita were inspired by looking through old National Geographic copies her father collected in the 70’s and 80’s. Watch out for more of Hildur’s prints in the summer of 2011.
GHICA POPA, Romania – First in touch with Nikita in March 2009, Ghica and his girlfriend were fans of Nikita and Atikin. He sent in some samples of his work with a view to collaborating on future graphics in the collection. His street art style shows influence from science fiction, movies he watched as a kid, old futuristic cars, comic books and different art movements; form cubism to pop art. His style suited Nikita incredibly well which made the collaboration an easy one and here it is to see. Plus one of his designs is proudly plastered on the ceiling of Nikita’s flagship store in Reykjavik. “I couldn’t design for a brand that doesn’t fit my style, the harmony between is mandatory.”
More on ghicapopa.com

SIMON RIVIERE, UK – Snowboarding has been a massive part of Simon’s life which meant there was an initial admiration on common ground. Recommended by a good friend of the brand, Simon’s illustrations immediately struck a chord. Not pigeon-holing his style, he confesses it is a continual work in progress. His roots lie in traditional drawing, not too polished and infused with many influences and inspirations, from friends, his parents to art hero Mike Giant, whose “control with the simplest medium” is inspiring. Simon aspires simply to be happy doing what he loves, continuing to enjoy drawing for the love of it rather than reliance on it. His future and direction remain as open and relaxed as his personality and Nikita are stoked to have had the opportunity to work with him. A special collaboration too, seeing as his design has become the first ever Nikita Chickita logo print used on a t-shirt and hoodie within the FW1011 collection.