Price: £49
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that not all headphones are created equal. If you buy a pair of five pound ear phones from the supermarket, not only do you expect to be listening to tinny, quiet music, you’re also sure to be back to buy another pair in a matter of months. If you splurge a couple of hundred pounds on your headphones however, you can be pretty sure that you’re going to feel as though you’re standing next to the speaker in the room where the song was recorded.
Luckily for those of us who don’t have hundreds of pounds to spend on our music listening habits, that rule does have it’s exceptions and the Seattle headphones from Urbanista fall into that category.
While the Seattle’s price tag is under fifty pounds, the quality of sound that you get with them is as good as the expensive brands in the big leagues. Their clear and crisp soundscape serve vocals well, while the bass is much deeper than you would expect for the headphones of this size with a design that ensures that even at a low volume, all different aspects of the audio comes through audibly.
The design itself also looks much more expensive than you’d expect from a fifty pound price tag. Minimal design and dark colours make these headphones appealing, while also easy to blend in with an outfit and the heavily cushioned foam make these headphones incredibly comfortable to wear. If you want to get a pair of headphones that will serve you for a long time, but don’t want to spend a month’s rent on them, these are your guys. Good look headphones, a great design and sound that Urbanista could have charged a lot more for…