Last week, Lindsey Swift from Barnsley was out running with her boyfriend when a dude leaned out of his window to shout abusive comments about her weight.
What in the world would make anyone think they had the right to comment on the size of my body when they know nothing about me?
He started to “shout a sarcastic rendition of Mika’s ‘Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)’ to me,” Lindsey told BuzzFeed News.
So, what did Lindsey do? She wrote this open letter. We think you’ll agree – it’s a powerful read.
Within hours, Lindsey’s letter had gone viral with over 3,000 shares across Facebook.
“I’ve had messages from people all over the world saying that they have experienced similar things and will think twice before getting upset in future, which is amazing,” she told BuzzFeed.

We think Lindsey has shown real inspiration for women everywhere – to not give a f*ck about what other people think. Go Lindsey!