It Will Improve The Way You See Your Body
It Will Improve The Way You See Your Body
Studies show yoga practice can improve both physical and emotional awareness.
With regular practice focus can shift from outward appearance to functionality and pure acceptance.
“I was a competitive figure skater growing up and being lean for performance was advantageous,” says personal trainer Katelyn.
“Poor habits that I formed during this time, such as talking negatively about my body to the point where I absolutely hated certain features, transitioned with me through university and the beginning of my career as a personal trainer.
“I was using exercise and fitness as a vehicle to punish myself if I cheated with my nutrition or if I wasn’t a certain number on the scale.
“Incorporating yoga into my regime has taught me that nutrition and exercise should be used as a vehicle to nourish your body and soul rather than be used as a way to punish yourself.
“Now my daily thought processes surrounding nutrition, exercise, weight, and body image are a lot more positive, calm and nourishing.”