Mario Rubbino for Surf Sistas
Trafalgar Surf
Out In The Lineup
So you’ve decided you want to be a surfer. You’ve got a board, booked a day off and you’re ready to hit the waves.
While surfing is one of the most liberating sports you can do, there are still a few rules that all surfers follow in order to keep everyone riding happily together.
From how to navigate a wave to where to sit in the line up, it’s this knowledge that will be a lifesaver when you’re bravely paddling into waves you’ve never taken on before.
Some of these rules are there to help you avoid dangerous situations, some are there to help you avoid stink eyes from your fellow surfers because you’ve nicked their wave.
Follow these simple guidelines and you’ll be welcomed straight into the pack and looking like a seasoned pro in no time!