High Lunge Crescent Pose
High Lunge Crescent Pose
With your right foot next to your right thumb, press both feet into the ground. Make sure they’re not in one line but still hip distance apart, like you are on two skis.
Lift your upper body up to a High Lunge. Keep your right knee bent a lot (90 degrees if possible) and precisely above your ankle, pointing in the same direction as your toes.
Straighten your left (back) leg as much as you can, pushing back through your left heel.
Pull your left groin a little forward and up, so both hip points are squared in one line, facing forward.
Lift your arms up in front of you on an inhale and circle them back down through the sides on an exhale. Repeat three times.
For an easier variation of this pose, take your back knee down to the ground (double up the mat if this feels uncomfortable).