After getting on your detox over the weekend, it’s time to start with Caroline’s Yoga and Meditation Tips for day of your wellness week!
My Mantra of the Day:
I am Positive , I am capable of doing it. I start to take care of my health!!!
Yoga-Sadhana in Bed
Waking up:
* set your mood for the challenge
* start with a positive visualization in your day
* put a smile on your face
* and drink a glass of water before you get up to flush all left over toxins from the night
First things of the Day:
* drink a glass of lukewarm water with a juice of a lemon and a pinch of cayenne pepper and crushed ginger
* splash water on your face 7 times (for the 7 chakras)
* Kavala Graha: scrape your tongue and gargle with oil before you brush your teets
* give yourself and Abhyanga Massage and take a shower
* oil the face with your favourite essential oils
Now youʼre ready for your altar time.
Altar Time (ME time)
Counting meditation: Keep the breath natural while you count and just watch the flow of your breath. Count each breath until you get to 10 and start again over at 1.
Do that for 5 to 20 minutes .
Start with 3 to 12 rounds of classic Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation). That stimulates all the internal organs and the entire muskoskeletal system as well as breathing and blood circulation. Better than a coffee!!!
Follow with Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Pose 2) + Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
Navasana (Boat Pose)
Supta Matsyendrasana (Knee Down Twist)
Disclaimer: only do these poses if you are in good health, not pregnant and already got some yoga experience! If you don’t have any experience yet, go see a teacher first. We take no responsibility for injuries or other discomforts.
Ujjayi Breath: Refers to the expansion & rising of the “prana” (sanskrit word for “life force”) and is distinguished by the characteristic sound it creates by contracting the epiglottis. This breathing sounds like the deep rumbled of the ocean. It used to monitor the flow of your breath.
The ujjaiyi breathing is used throughout the practice of vinyasa yoga except in savasana & meditation.
Tips for the 1st day :
* spend some time in nature. Go for a walk on the beach, in the park… Observe nature surrounding you. Be in the present moment!!!
* enjoy each moment of your life!
By Night:
* massage the soles of your feet (even better book a reflexology massage)
* drink tea made of 1/2 teaspoon of triphala tea
Dr Seuss Mantra:
Today was good, today was fun, tomorrow is another day!
For more detox tips, check back tomorrow and head over to!