The Red Bull Tribal Quest photo contest, blending photos, freeriding, skiing, snowboarding, art and sport – is all kicking off in Nendaz this week.
Six teams, each comprised of one photographer, one snowboarder and one skier, set off for Nendaz on Monday. Their mission: to capture the three Ws! – Where am I? Who am I? What am I doing? – as creatively as possible on photos by Friday. Their results will be presented to the public as a slide show at Hotel Mont-Fort on Friday evening at 8pm, together with the award ceremony for the winning photos.
Top-ranking riders have been meeting in Nendaz: organiser and winner of the Verbier Xtreme, Alex Coudray; winner of the Engadine Snow, Flo Orley; winner of the Verbier Xtreme Women’s Division, Ruth Leisibach; freeride legend Eric Themel; art icon Nicolas Vaudroz; and photographers from Canada, England, Sweden and Switzerland. A combination equally diverse as it is explosive.
The four valleys of Nendaz provide steep terrain, natural kickers, glaciers, tree runs and snowparks – to ensure the greatest possible natural canvas for scenery, lifestyle and action shots.
For more info, check out: www.openmountain.ch/tribalquest