Gone are the days when motherhood meant frumpy clothes, coffee mornings in cold church halls and whitewashing your own identity in favour of purely being a “mum”. Not that there’s anything wrong with all that, it just wasn’t quite for us.
A couple of months back we ran a shout out to seven of the coolest mums who ride including pro rider parents such as Cheryl Maas and Lisa Andersen. We said we were stoked that becoming mums hadn’t changed who they were or their ability to rip. Nestled at the end of that list was mum to be, former Cooler cover star and multiple X Games vert skate medallist Lyn-z Adams Pastrana and it was super sweet to see that last week she and her husband Travis Pastrana had a baby girl. She’s posted heaps of super cute photos on her facebook, including this one:
Big sloppy congrats to them both and in fact big ups to all the mums that keep their shred on, such as these ones below. Best mother and toddler group ever?