What would you think if you saw an elephant or a rhino rocking these fluorescent tusks in the wild?
We’re betting you’d be pretty confused, as would we until we found out about this crazy initiative by animal activists, just this morning!
These tusks are actually a sign that the elephant is free from the threat of poachers.

The thinking behind this fluorescent scheme is to use a dye on the tusks that makes the ivory unsellable, therefore making the animal useless to the ivory trade!
The pink dye, the same which is used on bank notes, is harmless to the animals
The pink dye, the same which is used on bank notes, is harmless to the animals and both discolours the ivory and shows up in airport checks.

As long as the dye doesn’t hurt the animal in any way, we think that this sounds like an amazing way to protect animals from hunting!
Orgaisations like the Rhino Rescue Project have been working on infusing tusks and horns for years and it looks like they’re getting close to cracking it.
The dye protects the animal for up to three years and has had proven success already.
Here’s to more elephant and rhino makeovers!