1) When your running late to class and there’s no space to set up your mat
- OnSugar
2) When people ask what you do for your ‘real’ exercise
3) Being put off by the group of first timers that won’t stop giggling…
4) And the person next to you who is inhaling WAY louder than anyone else in the room

5) Any yogi who thinks its acceptable to say ‘Namaste’ in general conversation
6) Falling in love with a new pair of yoga brand…

7) Only to find out their leggings cost the same as your rent for the month
8) That one regular at your class who is trying way too hard with the instructor
9) And the one experienced yogi at every class who just ignores the instructor completely

10) People leaving early and disturbing everyone’s savasana
11) But also, having to try reallyyyy hard not to fall asleep during savasana
12) Forgetting to take a towel to Bikram…
13) Or setting up next to someone, then realising they forgot their deodorant
14) Comparing yourself to the really good people at the front…
- maknwaves
15) Feeling better when the person next to you is getting it wrong
16) then feeling bad. That’s not very yoga of you.
17) Being so hungry you can only concentrate on what you’re going to eat when you leave.
18) Pushing yourself into the difficult poses. Then WOBBLING
- leslichristiansen