We’ve all seen those photos of girls with flat stomachs, posing all over Tumblr and Pinterest.
This woman decided to post a series of photos of herself online. The first one looks like a totally flat stomach.
The second photo shows how – from a different angle – her stomach looks entirely different. Just normal. Her real stomach is on show without being sucked in or posed at a flattering angle.
We aren’t barbies. We are made of flesh and blood
“We aren’t barbies. We are made of flesh and blood,” the anonymous woman wrote beneath the image.
“In a world where we are surrounded by the images of our friend’s highlight reel, sometimes it’s good to see a little reality so we can keep our expectations real.
“No matter where you are on your body’s journey, be proud and love yourself. Make goals because you love your body not because you hate it.”
The image went totally viral across the internet, sparking a huge debate about body image and the pressure to be thin.
People never show those angles and it’s just very… real and awesome
Woman across the internet rejoiced at the sight of a real stomach being flaunted in all it’s human glory. They left the following comments:
“Thanks for this, especially the photos on the right. People never show those angles, and it’s just very… real. And awesome. You’re awesome.”
– Hanakimi
“Thank you! As someone who has lost a ton of weight, it’s hard to be happy with the new me when I see my belly not super flat all the time.”
– KittyLaStrange
We think it’s great that so many woman saw these photos and felt positive and uplifted by a woman showing her body as it really is. Now let’s just see more of it!
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