Some men are born great, some have greatness thrust upon them, and some are called Kale and decide to open up a vegan butchers that sells nothing but meat-free meat.
Kale (yes, really), and his sister Aubrey Walch are opening up the vegan butchers after raising over £40,000 through a well-backed Kickstarter campaign.
The Herbivorous Butcher sells plant-based “meats” such as BBQ ribs and Italian sausage. But rather than using animals for their products, Kale and Aubrey are using ingredients like tapioca and chickpeas instead.

The vegan butcher, which has divided opinion on social media since news of it went mainstream, already sells online. The first actual shop though, that you can visit in person, will open in Minneapolis, Minnesota on January 23rd. They’ll also be selling imitation cheeses.
Going on their Kickstarter page, the pair said: “We’ve created complex, and flavourful products that will satisfy any herbivore, omnivore, and even self-proclaimed carnivores.”
“Our 100% vegan cruelty-free meat alternatives capture the best flavours, textures, and nutrients that meats have without their negative impacts on health, animals and the environment.”
See the images below for examples of food The Herbivorous Butcher will be offering its customers and, as always, please send your thoughts to us on the back of a postcard…or imitation cheese slice.