Boat Pose
Boat Pose
Bring the top leg back down on an exhale. Bend both knees and through a squat, come all the way down to your mat.
Sit up tall with your legs straightened out in front of you. Keep your upper body, especially your lower back, straight and aligned.
Lift your legs off the floor to balance on your sitting bones in Boat Pose (Navasana). Stay here for six breaths without letting your lower back round.
If you feel any stress or tension in this area, bend your knees to bring your shins parallel to the floor for Half Boat.
You can even hold your knees with your hands until you’ve built up enough core strength to hold yourself here without compromising alignment or compressing the lower back.
Bring your legs back down and cross them for a couple of relaxing breaths in a crossed legged seat like Easy Pose (Sukhasana) or any other way you feel benefits your right now.
Let your breath (and thoughts) calm down again before placing your hands back on the mat to move back into Downward Facing Dog.