Reversed Plank Pose
Reversed Plank Pose
After you’ve gone through the sequence on your left side and finished your second round of Navasana, take a pause sitting in Dandasana with your legs straightened out in front of you.
Once your breath has calmed down again, take your hands behind your hips, fingertips facing forward.
Draw your shoulder blades down your back, let your heart shine bright and lift your hips up with an inhale, toes pointing forward and down. Extend the back of your head down on an exhale and keep breathing evenly.
If this version of Reversed Plank (Purvottanasana) feels a bit overwhelming and too much, go for the simpler Table Top variation with your knees bent at 90 degrees, ankles under knees.
To come back out of both poses, draw your chin towards your chest on an inhale. Lower back to the ground on an exhale.
Come all the way down onto your back if you’re ready for deep relaxation in Savasana, or cross your legs to round off your practice with a seated meditation.
Of course you’re also welcome to continue with some more poses or even an additional sequence. Just make sure to take a couple of minutes to calm down, relax and integrate everything you’ve done before you continue on with your day.
There are also two options to advance this sequence for more seasoned yogis who already have a strong inversion practice….